Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Random Rambles

So, I have decided to begin a blog. Why? I don't know. I just felt like it. Although, I'm not really sure what I will be blogging about. I am thinking  maybe something related to my days doings, things that are on my mind, nature, and miscellaneous things.

Since this is my very first post, I will give a little info about myself. I am the second oldest in a family with 9 children. My older sister, Britta, will be 21 next month. I, myself am 17. Micah is 10, Zarah is 9, Abigail will be 8 on Sunday, Jacob is 6, Elijah is 4, Nathan is 3, and Jonathan is 1.
I love the outdoors and summer! Kinda of a bad thing since I live in Northern Indiana. The winters suck really bad. Although, I have a friend up in Michigan, He gets a lot more snow than me. Be thankful for the little things. ;)
I love being active. I can't stand sitting for long periods of time. It makes me feel so unproductive. Some of my favorite "active" things are:
swimming, taking long walks, cooking/baking(if that's considered active), sprinting, climbing, working(on just about anything), etc. 
My more relaxing type of hobbies are:
Reading(give me a good book and I'll be entertained for awhile), crocheting, knitting(which I prefer over crocheting), writing, a game of solitaire,  and sometimes playing "Bubble Bobble" on our old Nintendo. 
I love to write! Which I am sure you can tell since I started a blog. I have two different journals in which I write in currently. One is for daily rambles and happenings and the other is a biblical journal. I also have a typewriter. Which is quite convenient when the computer is occupied. Plus, it's in my room where I can be by myself and type. I am also working on a book. Although, I'm only 5 chapters in. I'm hoping one day to have it published. But, at the rate I'm going right now it might be a while.
As I said, I love to read. It hasn't always been that way though. When I was younger I hated it. But, when I got to be about 13 I read constantly. I will read various genres. My favorite genre is mystery though. I can't pick a favorite book though. That would be way to hard.
I'm not reading as much as I used to. I just don't have as much time. Now it's about 15-30 minutes before bed.

Anyways, I am going on and on. I probably have you bored by now. I will try to post often...

Thanks for reading!
